Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Today, i learned how important being hardworking is. It all started when I was requested to finish the papers for our BSP camping and our Jamboree. I received the papers from our scout head giving me info to pass it to the VPAA, or the Vice-President for Academic Affairs office, a very important letter that states all our activities for them and the MAN COM approve. I passed that letter in the morning and they said to pick it up in the afternoon. Later then, in the afternoon, i picked it up. They gave it to me and let me sign on their log book. After there, i went to the Elementary's computer lab for scanning of the finished and approved paper. I left there and reported to our scout head to tell him that i have finished the papers. I found him, and thank me because he said in the past, no other scout has finished this kind of finilazing papers so fast. And by the way, I'm still a first year student. They were so thankful because if i did not finish these papers today, we wouldn't have a camp out on Friday.

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