Saturday, December 26, 2009

26th Asia-Pacific Region Scout Jamboree

I haven't opened this blog since like, forever. Well now i have a new blog, and im writing this just before i leave for the event. I am going to attend the 26th Asa-Pacific Region Scout Jamboree which is a camping of Boy Scouts from the Philippines and from around the Asia-Pacific countries. This camping or what we Scouts call it, a Jamboree, will be held at Mt. Makiling, Los BaƱos, Laguna, Philippines. This will be from December 28, 2009 to January 3, 2010

Sunday, March 22, 2009

I go to Central Philippine University High School

Hello!!! So now i am gonna talk to you about how i ended up schooling in Central Philippine University or CPU for short. Now, when i was born in Iloilo City, my grandfather, Dr. Agustin Pulido, was the president of CPU. But when his term ended for a long 25 years of service, he was chosen by Silliman University to be their next president. My grandfather accepted their offer. So when i was on the right age to go to school, i started it with Silliman, from pre-school to 2nd grade.

You might think why i stopped at 2nd grade.Remember my dad was in the Philippine Army, well he had a chance to go to Australia to get his Masters Degree. We were also allowed to come with him (my dad). So when we finally got to Australia, they put me on 3rd grade. But they(teachers) realized that i was too good for 3rd grade, so they advanced me to 4th grade. We had the greatest time of our lives in Australia. Too bad we only stayed there for 1 year. That was on 2004-2005.

When we finally got back here on the Philippines, i was gonna go back to Silliman to finish 4th grade and i really finished it. And one day just as i was about to enter 5th grade, my grandfathers term ended with Silliman. But the people at Silliman University REALLY wanted him for another term. But my grandfather refused their offer because he was getting old. So we finally got back to Iloilo, and i got myself enrolled at Central Philippine University Elementary School because i was entering 5th grade. This was on 2006. I graduated at CPUES and now im here, at Central Philippine University High School.

Its been a long time

Well, its been a long time since i have opened my blog. Summer is nearing here in the Philippines, and I'm gonna spend my summer in Nueva Ecija. Why there? Because my dad is in the Philippine Army and hes assigned there as the commander of the only Aviation Battalion in the Philippines. That means there's gonna be a lot of airplanes and a huge runway. I can maybe exercise with dad's bike and take it for a spin in the 1 mile (1.6km)long runway. Too bad only Cessna planes and C130's can land there, the runway isn't that wide for 747's.

That's a picture of a 6 seater Cessna plane. That looks like a commercial plane but its actually owned by the Philippine Army.By the way, the ones owned by the Philippine Army has letters and numbers painted on it, like "PA-01". But on commercial Cessna planes, the letters and numbers are different such as "RP-0091" But the letters of the Army ALWAYS start with PA, which means Philippine Army, and the ones that are commercial ALWAYS start with RP, which means Republic of the Philippines.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

My Computer Teachers's blogs

big bleaubeyond the 4th wallmidas glovescpuesjmubled thuoghts2 young 2 b nostalgichead-gam3zpsyberspiceworlds collideinformation bitsjourney begins yuhum's blog

Vote For Me High School!!!

Hello to all Central Philippine University High School students. Please vote for me, Joshua Enriquez and i am running for the position of Board Member. Please also vote for my fellow party mates. I am under the banner of Koalisyon- "Leadership Through Servanthood"

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Well, we had our BSP-GSP camping since friday and till yesterday morning. On Saturday night we had a contest for Mr. and Miss. Centralian Scout 2008. I was one of the contestants. We had an Interview, Talent, Casual Wear, and Formal Wear. I was so scared because this is the first time that i have ever joined a contest for Mr. and Ms. One of the girl contestants started crying because she keeps on saying that she cant do it and that she wants to back out. So we, the other contestants, tried to calm her down and just convince her to join the contest. We did just that just before the whole contest started. Well, I sang as my talent, my boy scout uniform as my formal and a t-shirt with the brand of oekly. Well, it was really fun and exciting. I won Best In Interview, and of course 2nd Runner Up and by the way, my question for the interview part was, "What is the most important value you learned during this camping?" well i answered "TEAMWORK" and i explained why and how i and the other scouts implemented it during the camping. So hope you like this story and read the next camping story i might wright.

Friday, September 19, 2008

BSP-GSP Camping 2008

The first Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of The Philippines camping will be this afternoon at 4:00 pm until 9:00 am of Sunday. It will be held at Central Philippine University Elementary Football Field, Jaro, Iloilo City Philippines. Well its gonna be so fun. Hope you readers also joined a local scout council. And adults reading this, let your child join your schools (if you have one) scout meetings and make him/her become active. This is not only in the Philippines but for everyone in the world. So good luck and God Bless.

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