Sunday, September 21, 2008


Well, we had our BSP-GSP camping since friday and till yesterday morning. On Saturday night we had a contest for Mr. and Miss. Centralian Scout 2008. I was one of the contestants. We had an Interview, Talent, Casual Wear, and Formal Wear. I was so scared because this is the first time that i have ever joined a contest for Mr. and Ms. One of the girl contestants started crying because she keeps on saying that she cant do it and that she wants to back out. So we, the other contestants, tried to calm her down and just convince her to join the contest. We did just that just before the whole contest started. Well, I sang as my talent, my boy scout uniform as my formal and a t-shirt with the brand of oekly. Well, it was really fun and exciting. I won Best In Interview, and of course 2nd Runner Up and by the way, my question for the interview part was, "What is the most important value you learned during this camping?" well i answered "TEAMWORK" and i explained why and how i and the other scouts implemented it during the camping. So hope you like this story and read the next camping story i might wright.

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